Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Questions about Map on Battuta and Polo

Based on the map and their travels, Ibn Battuta and Marco Polo are not typical of their people of their time period. Most people living during this time did not have the ability to travel such long distances. Also, traveling to such distant lands would require time and resources that most people during this era did not have access to. This would include boats for travel and a consistent supply of food. As a result, people in this period did not move around nearly as much as Battuta and Polo did. However, these two people can be considered as being more typical to this current time period. With a mode of transportation known as airplanes, people can travel as far as Battuta and Polo did. Based upon this reason, the fact that they could move to such lengths as they did suggests that they relate more to people of present time. In addition, most people did not venture as individuals during Battuta and Polo's era because it was frankly not possible due to the numerous things needed such as time and even knowledge, which basically means knowing where one is going and how to get there safely. On the other hand, many people nowadays travel around the globe on their own ready to experience all parts of the world.

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