Monday, January 7, 2013

Crusades Project Journal Day 1

I have officially begun the Crusades project today. My idea for the method of displaying the criteria is through creating a newspaper/magazine article. This piece would include a report in which someone interviewed a group of Muslims about their thoughts on the Crusades. It will also include important quotes, which will be clearly portrayed. In addition, I started researching by trying out some of the search engines. In my attempts to use google, yahoo, and sweetsearch, I had some difficulty finding sites that would benefit me for this assignment. They either did not appear credible or did not address exactly what I intended for the search. Also, each search engine seemed to produce almost the exact same sites, making them equal in their lack of benefits. I, therefore, decided to use one of the library databases to find a resource, which proved to be more effective. I am not completely set on which Crusades I will use as examples. I am thinking about using the First Crusade because it appears to have provided the greatest negative impact on the Muslims. I may also use the Eighth Crusade since it is here when the Muslims finally defeated the Europeans and took back the last "Crusader state".

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