Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Crusades Project Journal Day 2

I have decided to definitely use the First Crusade as one of the three crusades I will focus on to provide my support.  Also, I am pretty sure that for the other two, I will choose the People's Crusade and the Eighth Crusade.  I already explained in my last post  why I will include the First and Eighth Crusades.  For the People's Crusade, I find it possible to extract possible feelings Muslims might have had since it was such an embarrassment for the Europeans.  I was able to find two quality sites from the Google and sweetsearch search engines.  They gave interesting information about the crusades I may use that would fit well in explaining the Muslim perspective of these wars.  In addition, I began to create my display for depicting my understanding of the topic.  I am continuing with the idea of making a newspaper article because I can utlilize the idea of interviewing Muslims and reporting on their thoughts of the Crusades.  They will not be real people but rather people I make up who will provide information and quotes based on the research I find.  In my previous post, I mentioned difficulties with my research, but after refining my search, I was able to find good resources much easier and quicker.

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