Wednesday, January 2, 2013

How I want my Life's Story Told

I would want my history to be told using song and dance because text book form or simply bullet points containing facts is dull and uninteresting. By presenting the story of my life using a more lively and entertaining method, my history appears more intriguing. Also, people would remember a song and dance more because they are catchy and easier to recollect. Song and dance make my life's story more impressive because someone took the time to relay the facts of my life into a memorable performance instead of just listing them with bullet points. Also, it takes more effort to create this type of storytelling, which makes me feel more important. In addition, dance allows my story to be told worldwide and to every person because one does not have to be literate in order to understand it. This does not include song because of the different language barriers. Most importantly, by knowing that more and more people will remember this interesting way of storytelling, my life's history will last longer and well beyond my years.

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