Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thoughts on Essay and Test

      The test and the essay on the specifc chapters from the textbook were both challenging assessments.  In regards to the test, time was not a problem and some of the questions were straightforward and relatively easy to answer.  However, there were others that were more diffcult and required a longer time to think about.  I felt that I did much better on the test in comparison to the essay.  For the essay, time became an issue.  By the time I understood and decided where I was going with the prompt, I had left myself with too little room to write the complete essay I planned on writing.  On the test, I felt I gave myself the best opportunity to do well since I had enough time to go through and answer each question.  On the other hand, the essay was not as complete as it should have been.
     I definitely felt relieved after completing both assessments.  I feel glad that we are done with the first two major assignments of the year and I like that it prepares us for the rest of them.  For my next essay, I have to organize my thoughts quicker and establish my outline fast enough to allow myself enough time to put together quality writing.  On all upcoming tests, I will review and study for as long as I can before the day of the assessment.  This means that the day we are informed about our next test is the day in which I begin to look over my previous notes.  Thus, I can pace myself so on the night before, I can just tie everything I studied back together in one final review.  As for these first assignments, I believed I was prepared.  I read and took notes on all six chapters.  As a result, I was able to go back and review my notes when it came time for studying.  The notes definitely helped in organizing the load of information from each chapter.  Both assignments were difficult, but in the end, I feel the test was a little bit easier than the essay.

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