Sunday, September 23, 2012

Differences between Indian and Chinese Dynasties

There were definitely differences between the Chinese and Indian dynasties especially in regards to their political systems. Despite the fact that both developed centralized bureaucracies, China's was more large-scale while India's was more tightly organized. Also, China's rulers entrusted the communication and implementation of their policies to officers in the court. India, mainly the Gupta Dynasty, had their allies enforce the principles of the government. This leads to separations of the kingdom as well as a less strict enforcement of the rules. During the Chinese dynasties, imperial rule was much more successful than it was throughout the Indian dynasties. In addition, India became regional kingdoms more than they became centralized empires like China and even Persia. Other than the dissimilarities in governmental systems, China and India also differed in social order. India created a much more advanced caste system than China in that it developed to even include subgroups called jati. Despite these differences, similarities did exist between these two societies' dynasties.

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