Monday, September 17, 2012

Mencius and Xun Zi Beliefs on Human Nature

Mencius believes that all men are born with four principles that are associated with goodness. These are benevolence, or kindness, righteousness, propriety, or appropriate behavior, and knowledge. They must develop these standards of correct moral conduct and then they will be better servants of the kingdom. However, if they do not allow them to grow and evolve, the result is an inability to serve properly. His other belief is that every man does not want suffering for others. According to these thoughts, Mencius feels everyone has good in them. He also points out that the early leaders who understood these ideas and utilized them ran a very smooth government. In addition, Mencius indicates that a government without any harsh implications will satisfy their own people as well as gain the respect from neighbors.

Xun Zi believes that human nature is bad and good is a human product. He feels that the man is born with desires and if adhered to, will result in turmoil, violence, and inappropriate behavior. In order to become good, one must be educated by teachers and other good gentleman. They must also learn rituals and moral principles and follow laws and limitations. He keeps referencing, similar to Mencius, how in ancient times the kings knew that man was naturally bad and needed these things to be good. Therefore, order was established and things were peaceful. Xun Zi also adds that influence impacts all people, meaning that listening to bad people will lead to engaging in wrong behavior. However, if one follows those who are good, then they will in turn act properly.

I do not fully line up with either of these two opinions. I believe we are born with the free will to chose between good and evil. We are not automatically born good or born bad. Based on the formation of our conscience and the maturity of our moral standards as we grow up, we can then decide which path to pursue. We always have the free ability to change the choice we make. If there is one that I somewhat agree with, it would be Xun Zi's belief. Even though I do not believe that we are born bad, I agree with his idea that with correct education about morals, we can become good people.

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