Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Ashokavadana pg. 223


This story from the Ashokavadana may have appealed to various groups of early Buddhists because it portrayed every human being as equal no matter what caste they were in. Since King Ashoka bowed at the Buddhist monks' feet, he showed that they had the same amount of reverence as he did. Coming from all different areas of the caste system, it was important for early Buddhists to be taught equality. This selection, in promoting this principle, would then definitely attract many of the religion's followers. The passage also ensures that they have the support of the leader; adhering to the religion is much easier without the threat of religious persecution from the government. In addition, Buddhist monks would favor such a story because Ashoka explained how one cannot be focused solely on superiority. They have to see everyone in the same light and not act arrogantly towards others. In this way, the lower classes that made up the group of monks would be treated similarly to those with more power and wealth.

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