Sunday, September 9, 2012

Five Themes Project

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mark,

    Let me start off by saying that your poster looks very neat and well organized. While I cannot read the fine print, by the way it is designed I am sure it is very informative as well. While it is not necessarily an art project, my only constructive criticism is that maybe you should have filled up the page a little more. Anyways, our two societies look very similar. My society I was assigned was Mesopotamia, and by taking a quick glance, I can tell that both societies worshiped specific dieties relating to nature. However, one blantantly obvious difference is the geography of each area which affected the formation of each state. One question; it seems as if some of the external forces and internal forces are in the wrong spot (such as the book outside of the head)but it may just be me.

