Sunday, March 17, 2013

Pg. 748 Fabian Fucan Question

In Fabian Fucan's attack on Christianity, the religious aspects include that it will overthrow the Buddhas and the gods of Japan. He also targets the religion's desire to promote their faith in every area of Japan and he criticizes their martyrdom. Cultural aspects are that people of Christian faith will overtake the country, force Japanese inhabitants to lose their customs, and impose Christians' customs on them. The historical aspects are his inclusion of how Christian believers have usurped the countries of the Philippines and Mexico. Political aspects include that Christianity will take away the gods of Japan who have provided the Imperial Dignity for generations of rulers. Additionally, he implies that it will take away the Three Divine Regalia (symbols of rule received from the gods). Also, the idea that they will usurp Japan can be considered a political aspect. Social aspects are that the religion will take away the customs of Japanese society and force the members of the society to be sectarians.

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