Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Comparison between Actuality and Prediction of Gender and Religion in Ming and Qing

My prediction for religion was that Neo-Confucianism would continue into these two societies, which did coincide with what actually happened. However, I was inaccurate with saying that there would be more influence from Christianity and Islam. Christianity only had few converts and there was no mention of Islam in these dynasties. On the other hand, I was partially right in saying that Christianity would try to receive more converts.

For gender, I had predicted that a patriarchal society would continue and this was accurate. It in fact became further entrenched during these two dynasties. The reason for this structure's continuation and Neo-Confucianism's continuation was because previous dynasties also followed these. Based on the earlier dynasties, China seems to follow the same pattern, so therefore, it makes sense for the Ming and Qing to continue using a patriarchy and Neo-Confucianism.

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