Wednesday, March 13, 2013

History has Value

History can help people predict what will occur in the future. Based on the instance with the Ming and Qing dynasties, the history of the earlier dynasties can be utilized accurately to predict what could happen. Gilad's prediction that the bureaucracy in the Ming and Qing dynasties will increase and that a dynastic imperial monarchy will continue was correct. He used what occurred in history, which was the use of this type of government in previous Chinese dynasties and the increase in population, to make his prediction. I was also accurate in my prediction that Neo-Confucianism and a patriarchal society will persist. Similar to Gilad, it was based on the history of the earlier Chinese dynasties. Since a patriarchy and Neo-Confucianism were prevalent during these dynasties, I assumed that they would continue. Kaitlyn was also correct with her prediction regarding an increase in population. Her basis was that population continued at a steady rate in the previous dynasties, so she guessed that it would increase at the same rate in the Ming and Qing dynasties.

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