Tuesday, October 2, 2012

King Abdullah II of Jordan

King Abdullah II of Jordan can succeed in transitioning his country into a democracy. From experiencing democracy's implementation in nearby nations, he knows how he must go about in this movement. For example, he learned that holding elections first and then changing the constitution results in the government not having a strong foundation regarding laws. This can lead to delayed elections if it takes longer to modify the constitution or the newly elected officials to acquire more power. Jordan does it differently in that the constitution is changed first and afterwards, elections are held. In this regard, the new people who are chosen have a defined role and cannot alter the rules to better themselves. Also, King Abdullah II realizes that this a long process and will take a few years before completing. It is not something that can be enforced immediately but needs to be gradually engrained. In addition, he feels that Arab Spring, the protests for a change in government in Middle Eastern countries, is a good thing for Jordan and therefore, agrees with the change. As a result, democracy can be implemented easier with the help of the country's king. The country is also smaller compared to the others who have tried democracy, such as Egypt and Iraq, which is significant for this type of government to run successfully. However, again, it will take time to get all the citizens well-informed and capable to make the decisions needed for the sustainment of the nation.

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