Thursday, October 4, 2012

Alexander the Great as President

Alexander the Great would not be electable as the President of the United States during modern times. Despite his charismatic and influential leadership, his numerous flaws outweigh these positives. There is a good amount of historical information about him as a leader, especially a military one. This is important since the U.S. President is the commander in chief of the military. However, his desire of expanding the empire and seeking revenge on enemies would not work in present times. If he did this, he would put the country in war continuously and that is not what Americans want. Also, his anger, drinking problem, and problem-solving would not coincide with the values American citizens uphold for the President. Alexander used force to fix things that did not go his way, whereas today, there is more negotiation and plans to resolve the issues. In addition, it does not seem that Alexander was strong in regards to economic concerns, which is again another important aspect of presidency. Alexander the Great, even with his ability to lead, does not have all the essential qualities Americans today look for in a President. Additionally, his negative attributes restrain him from being electable as a President.

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