Thursday, October 25, 2012

Han Emperor's Response to Rome

As a Han Emperor, I would see Rome as a possible friend to the Han Dynasty. The Roman Empire shares similarities with the Han, which makes the two very relatable. For example, there is a postal service with postal stations, which is similar to China. Also, the commoners in Rome are said to have qualities similar to those of the Chinese. In addition, there seems to be no sign of hostility from the Romans since they have always wished to communicate with China. Also, the abundance of wealth and fine goods would be pleasing news to the emperor. With a sign of a want to interact and the sighting of these possible materials, Rome would make a very beneficial trading partner. Even though this empire may appear as a plausible rival because of their power and intelligence at the time since the commoners could write, I would still most likely try to use them as a friend. An affable relationship between the two empires would be highly advantageous for both.

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