Monday, November 12, 2012

Islam vs. Judaism vs. Christianity vs. Zoroastrianism

The relationship between Allah and human beings, as outlined in the Quran, relate to the teachings of Zoroastrianism, Judaism, and Christianity; however, these religions also have differences in regards to such a relationship. According to the Quran, there is only one God that followers must worship, Allah. This is similar to both Judaism and Christianity in that Jews only follow Yahweh and Christians only believe in God. On the other hand, Zoroastrians believe in two main gods, Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu, as well as six lesser deities. All of these religions had a main prophet who helped in guiding and informing people of the correct relationship to have with their God. For example, Islam had Muhammad and Judaism had Moses. Also, each religion stressed that humans behave to the highest moral standards in order to please their God. In addition, each one incorporated the idea of judgement in that their God would reward those who obeyed him and punish those who did not. Judaism, Islam, Christianity, and Zoroastrianism all believed that their respective God was almighty and beneficent as well as a divine creator of all things. Each religion similarly included that there is an evil being who is against the followers' God trying to persuade people to follow him instead of their benevolent God. As a result, each religion's God provides the guidelines in which the people must behave accordingly to. Another dissimilarity, however, is that Zoroastrians saw the material world as a sign of kindness from Ahura Mazda and thus, should enjoy it. The other three religions encouraged help to the poor, especially Islam in that the Quran points out that people are expected to share their goods with the needier.

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