Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Comments on Classmates' Social Hierarchy Charts

Hey Holly! I was just thinking that it might make the chart clearer if you made an indication of the status and power.  Also, I know Portugal had different types of mixed parentage so you may have wanted to indicate those or make a separate Portugal chart with those mixes.

- Mark

Hey Lawrence, I like your flowcharts because they can be easily read and I can clearly follow them.  Also, it was a good idea to make the top levels a different  color so they stand out.  You may, though, have wanted to put more information about the role of women in the social hierarchies they applied to.


Social Hierarchy Chart French Colonies

Social Hierarchy Chart English Colonies

Social Hierarchy Chart Portuguese Colonies

Social Hierarchy Chart Spanish Colonies

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Reason for Differences between Political and Economic Changes for Spain and Portugal

The differences, in regards to economics and politics, between the Spanish colonies and the Portuguese colonies resulted because Spain had a larger region to govern with more environmental barriers in the way. As a result, they had to appoint viceroys and create courts known as audiencias to control the vast region. The difficulty with moving and communicating caused many of the viceroys to lose control over specific areas and it thus, fell into the hands of the audiencias and town councils. As for Portugal, it was possible to send only a governor to take on government affairs because of the increased ability to travel through just one region. Also, Portugal may have experienced their changes quicker because they were in competition with Spain and therefore, needed to match them after their conquest in Mexico and South America. The economic changes could have occurred because of the differing landforms in each country's colonies. Portuguese colonies were best suited for sugar plantations while Spanish colonies worked well with agriculture and new cities.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Voice Thread Review

Title: Not a great app Nickname: Celtic 33

Review: It crashes. I couldn't use it for a whole day because every action I tried resulted in it crashing. It needs a shorter, clearer, and concise tutorial to explain how to use and make a voice thread. Sharing options are limited on the app, and I had to use the website for more effective and efficient sharing. I disliked how when I intended to draw on just one slide, it appeared on all the slides. However, I like how it allows you to comment directly on another person's voice thread.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Christopher Columbus and Response to Essay pgs. 594-595

Based on this essay, this coming era will change in that cultural interactions will now take place on a more global network, meaning that now the western hemisphere and Oceania will be more involved with the eastern hemisphere than before. Also, there will be much more contact between these areas in comparison to previous eras. In addition, Europe will be play a more dominant role in this period, looking to increase settlements in the east and west while their competitors, such as China and the Islamic states, limit outside influence. During this era, people will still interact commercially, culturally, and biologically through the spread of disease. They will also continue to establish trade routes to link the different parts of the globe. In addition, African slaves will remain as a source of labor, specifically for the Europeans who wish to send the slaves to the western hemisphere. Despite Europe's advances, they will not be as powerful as the other significant societies, such as China and India, since Europe will not appear as a threat to them.

There is a myth about Christopher Columbus in order to enhance his character. It is used to hide the fact that he mistreated and killed the tribes of the islands he discovered. He also appears more heroic through the myth since it draws out sympathy towards him. Based upon this fictitious story, we perceive him as being unappreciated and poor after presenting his findings. As a result, we feel sorry for Columbus because what he found was important and he deserved credit for it. However, in truth, the Spanish monarchs, Ferdinand and Isabella, did provide rewards for Columbus's discoveries. He also was very wealthy after he finished voyaging. Even without the myth, Columbus can still be seen as a hero, but just as a hero with flaws. Every person has their faults, but it does not take away from the point that Columbus was the first to publicly display his discoveries of a "New World", which would in turn lead to other explorers to search the region as well. The myth's primary purpose is to hide the morally and politically corrupt actions of Columbus in order to make him appear more laudable.

We have a holiday for Columbus because even though he did not land on the North American continent, his venture into the west and discovery of the Caribbean islands and Central America led to other explorers to do the same. As a result of Columbus, explorers sailed into the western hemisphere and discovered South and North America. His well-documented and publicized accounts of his journey opened the doors for continued travel by other Europeans. In addition, we celebrate his courage in pursuing his notion of a westerly trade route to Asian markets. We also commend the fact that because he publicly presented his travels, he discovered the beginnings of a new continent for peoples of the eastern hemisphere. Additionally, we observe his bravery in publicly venturing into an area where he and other Europeans did not have much information on.