Thursday, May 23, 2013

Marcus Aurelius Biography

Here is the link:

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Kwame Nkrumah Italicized Question pg. 1112

Nkrumah's call for African unity instead of fragmentation reflects the tensions between decolonization and the ongoing cold war in that in each conflict, the less prominent idea struggles to overcome the idea of higher prominence.  For example, Nkrumah asks for unity despite the heavily prevalent division in the African continent.  Also, the colonies desire for independence even though with the cold war, the superpowers and nations of greater influence, such as France and Great Britain, want to retain these colonies.  In Nkrumah's case, he battles with the people who feel unity is impossible with the different ethnicities, cultures, and ideas in Africa.  The colonies struggle with the colonizers who wish to hold control of these areas under their power.  Nkrumah also portrays the distaste that the colonies have towards the superpowers.  He wants to build a great nation based on trust and hope rather than on fear and suspicion.  He also stresses the division within the world due to the cold war and that African harmony can provide an example for the entire globe.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Effectiveness of Conclusion of War

The causes I identified for World War II were the harsh punishment of Germany after World War I, which gave rise to Hitler's radical ways and followers, and the subsequent aggression by Germany on other nations. This aggression was also used by Japan and Italy, which then led to the onset of a global war. The formation of the United Nations after WWII helped to resolve the cause of aggressive behavior by countries. However, the division of Germany and occupations of it by the U.S., Great Britain, France, and the Soviet Union might not have resolved the WWII cause, German punishment. Considering the split of Germany resulted in two opposing sides, capitalism and communism, then this may also lead to aggressions and a later war. Also, the differences between the two superpowers of the U.S. and the Soviet Union can lead to future aggressions and thus, may not have resolved this cause.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Map for before World War I

Change and Continuity with Evidence for World War I

A change in the world between pre-World War I and post-World War 1 is that Europe developed new boundaries and thus, new countries. A continuity between these two time periods is that Africa remained predominantly British colonies.

Change Evidence:
- Austria-Hungary empire before; Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Yugoslavia after
- Romania's boundary expands northern border after WWI into previous Austria-Hungary region
- Russia's western border turns into Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland and Poland

Continuity Evidence:
- colony of Sudan before and after World War I belongs to Britain
- colony of Egypt stays with Britain before and after war

Reasons Why:
The change occurred because the empires that lost parts of their respective regions were all in a decline after the war. In order to restore peace and keep a balance of power in Europe, these new boundaries and countries were established.

Africa remained predominantly British colonies because after the war, prominent and imperial countries in the world were resolved to put in agendas that would help in limiting future potential large-scale wars. As a result, none of these other types of countries had time to change the colonizing scheme in Africa.

Map for after World War I